Impact of Funding
Funding of Research at Nemours/AIDHC
Nemours/AIDHC was originally created to provide care for the children of Delaware and engage in scholarly research. The creation of The Center for Pediatric Research in 2004 enhanced the infrastructure to dramatically increase funding from both Federal grants and private foundations. Nemours has maintained its commitment to research over this period of rapid growth (Data from Nemours annual reports).

Annual NIH grant funding to Nemours/AIDHC PIs
While phase I of COBRE support for the CPR led to a rapid rise in research funding, partly through collaborative research partnerships, phase II led to a dramatic rise in NIH-funded projects led by Nemours/AIDHC investigators. These projects broaden the impact of our pediatric translational research and enhance our national reputation for excellence (Data from NIH Reporter).

Annual Publications of Center for Pediatric Research Faculty
Center faculty continue to publish their findings regularly. Publications of target investigators are shown in green and publications of other center faculty are shown in red. Enhanced institutional visibility through grant funding and publications has strengthened recruitment and retention of faculty across all disciplines at Nemours/AIDHC.